Oakland Family Services

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December General Staff Meeting: A Festive Recap of Recognition, Team Building, and Inspiration

We held our December General Staff Meeting on December 15, 2023, at the Marriott Auburn Hills/Pontiac Campus. The event marked the culmination of the year, featuring a special end-of-the-year continental breakfast and encouraging attendees to dress in their favorite seasonal or holiday attire.

The day kicked off with a warm and festive atmosphere as staff members mingled and enjoyed the continental breakfast. The gathering provided an opportunity for the nearly 200 employees of OFS to come together for recognition, team building, and training.

The meeting included a holiday fashion show where participants showcased their holiday spirit through creative attire. Prizes were awarded to the top three participants, adding an element of friendly competition and further contributing to the joyful ambiance of the occasion.

New employees were welcomed to the OFS family, fostering a sense of community and unity within the organization. This recognition of new team members highlighted the ongoing growth and shared commitment to the mission of Oakland Family Services.

Informative sessions were seamlessly integrated into the day's agenda, ensuring a balance of celebration and professional development. Skits were performed, offering a lighthearted yet informative depiction of best practices for client relationships. This interactive approach engaged the staff, making the learning experience both enjoyable and valuable.

The IT Department played a pivotal role in the meeting, presenting statistics on the company's performance and delivering crucial information on cybersecurity. Employees were encouraged to actively participate in maintaining a secure work environment by reporting phishing emails. Those who successfully reported such incidents were named “Cybersecurity Sharks” and presented with plush shark keychains.

A poignant highlight of the meeting was the screening of a heartfelt story about a woman whose life was transformed through the services provided by OFS. This narrative served as a powerful reminder of the positive impact the organization has on individuals and families in the community.